5 Tips for Protecting Your Small Business

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Published: Jun 27, 2024
Updated: Jun 27, 2024
5 Tips for Protecting Your Small Business

Running any business requires huge efforts and resources, as well as enormous time investment. However, in addition to growth and development, you need to pay close attention to protecting the business from external threats.

DigitAge experts have compiled a guide to five key steps that will help you secure your small business and preserve intellectual property.

Step 1: Strong Cybersecurity Measures

In the digital age, cybersecurity is becoming a core element in the defense of any business. Cyber threats can lead to significant financial losses, data loss and disruption of business processes. Here are a few key aspects that will help you protect your business from online threats.

  • Firewalls and Anti-virus Software

Install and regularly update these programs on all devices used in your office and on the computers of remote employees. This will help prevent malware from infiltrating and unauthorized access.

  • Complex Passwords

Use difficult and unique combinations for all accounts physical, media and systems. It's recommended that you change passwords regularly and not always use the same ones.

  • Data Encryption

Thoroughly encrypt all confidential information stored on your devices and check it over the Internet. This protects data from unauthorized access even if it's deleted.

  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Implement MFA for all mission-critical systems and accounts. It requires users to prove their identity through a second factor, such as an SMS code or biometrics.

  • Online Investigation Services

Use the Online Investigations Service from DigitAge to quickly and efficiently verify and protect your data. The service detects profiles of violators, collects and analyzes all evidence, helps prevent repeat violations and provides a comprehensive report. We'll also help you develop a comprehensive strategy to protect your brand.

  • Regular Security Audits

Conduct frequent security checks and assessments of all systems and processes. This will make it easier to identify vulnerabilities and take prompt action to remediate them.

  • Employee Training

The human element is often the weak link in cybersecurity. Hold regular training sessions for employees to teach them the basics of cybersecurity, such as how to recognize phishing emails, how to safely use passwords, and how to handle sensitive data.

Step 2: Protecting Physical Premises

The physical security of your business is just as important as it is in the online environment. Protecting your offices, warehouses, and other facilities can help prevent theft and unauthorized entry. Among the measures to consider, experts highlight:

  • Installation of alarm systems and video surveillance.
  • Providing secure locks on doors and windows.
  • Using key cards or biometric systems to restrict access to important areas.
  • Regularly updating and maintaining security systems for their effectiveness.

Physical protection in business can be implemented by contacting specialized security organizations. Professionals will conduct an audit and draw up a list of necessary measures that should be taken into account first. They will also be able to organize further support and ensure the smooth operation of all systems.

Step 3: Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

In unforeseen situations, insurance will be an important element of your company's defense. Different types of insurance can cover various aspects of your business and reduce financial risks.

The main types of insurance that small businesses need in the first place are:

  • General liability.
  • Property insurance.
  • Business interruption insurance.
  • Cyber insurance.

An insurance professional can help you estimate the amount of coverage you need. Regularly review your policies and modify clauses to keep pace with your company's growth and new potential risks.

Step 4: Solid Legal Framework

Legal challenges in business are common — the right defense strategy is critical to preventing the various legal issues your company may face. A legally secure set of measures includes:

  1. Registering the business in accordance with the law.
  2. Obtaining patents and registered trademarks to protect intellectual property.
  3. Entering into contracts with customers and suppliers to clearly define the terms of cooperation.

Consulting a business lawyer for compliance and legal advice. Keep abreast of changes in legislation to stay within the law. As the company grows and business processes expand, it's recommended to create an in-house counsel position to address any potential issues in this area.

Step 5: Disaster Recovery Plan

Natural disasters or cyberattacks happen and it's hard to predict. Preparing for them in advance is essential to protecting your small business. Developing and implementing a recovery plan will help minimize the damage from such events and get your business functionality back on track.

When developing such a strategy, it's crucial to pay special attention to regular data backups to ensure that important information is safe and accessible in the event of data loss. Develop a clear crisis communications strategy, so employees know how to act and who to notify in the event of an incident. Define and detail emergency response procedures that will help your team act quickly and cohesively when an emergency occurs.

Regularly test and update your recovery plan, and train your employees in emergency procedures, so they are prepared for and can respond effectively to any unforeseen events.


Protecting small businesses is a comprehensive process that includes both physical and cyber measures, insurance, legal defense, and disaster preparation. Applying these tips will help you reduce your risks and ensure the stable development of your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should we protect small businesses?

Small start-ups are often the target of cyberattacks due to a lack of security. This can cause major financial setbacks and erode customer confidence. Robust security measures will alleviate the potential consequences.

  • What should employee cybersecurity training include?

Education should cover recognizing fraudulent emails, using difficult passwords, safe handling of data, rules for using corporate devices and networks, and procedures for responding to cyber incidents. Regular training will help mitigate the role of human error in any threats.

  • How often should a safety audit be performed?

It's recommended that you conduct an audit at least once a year. In some industries or where there is a large amount of sensitive information, more frequent checks may be required.

  • When should a business lawyer be consulted?

Such advice will be needed when registering a business, drafting contracts, protecting IP and ensuring compliance with all legal regulations.

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